
Monthly Archives: January 2013

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Themed restaurants are turning out to be a huge thing in Asian countries, and this restaurant is no different!  The Barbie Restaurant (fully licensed by Mattel) is right in the heart of Taipei, Taiwan and features hot pink sofas, heart shaped tables and macaron cocktails!  I don’t know whether to squeal in delight or shield my eyes from the overwhelming pink-ness of it all!  Would you visit?

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Sorry for the radio silence!  It’s been an intense few days that no one in Brisbane saw coming – how very un-Australian to be experiencing Australia Day with the worst weather I’ve ever seen!  When ex-Cyclone Oswald descended on us, I don’t think anyone expected the magnitude of damage that would result.  We were lucky enough to escape with only a few very bent trees and lost power, but others have had their whole lives washed away in a heartbeat.  It’s especially heartbreaking to see so soon after the 2011 floods.

But it’s amazing to see how the community has banded together to help each other out, and really demonstrates the Australian spirit of mateship.  If you can spare a little, or even a lot, you can donate to the Red Cross here to help out those in need.


Happy Australia Day to all my fellow Aussies out there!

Typically, Australia Day is a gorgeous, sunny weekend but this weekend is forecasting torrential rain, with Brisbane even preparing to batter down the hatches in case flooding happens!  Talk about wild weather!

I’m going to focus on getting rid of my cold tonight by staying in and making something cheesy, maybe spicy, but definitely comforting, before heading out to a friend’s for Australia Day lunch to the beats of Triple J’s Hottest 100 Count Down.  We’ll also be making steak and chips, or fish and chips, on Monday with my parents – this is as Aussie as we get!

Hope you all have wonderful weekends, and if you’re in Brisbane, stay dry!

Here’s some cool posts from around the web to keep you busy this weekend.

Holy dorm bedroom makeover, Batman!

Seriously drooling over this dress but it’s sold out in my size!

LOVE this idea for a wedding bouquet!

A great recipe to celebrate this Australia Day.

The most adorable Japanese girl who loves her food.

DIY macrame rhinestone bracelet – in case you’re REALLY bored!

First official photos of Mad Men Season 6 – but I’m not going to peep.  Are you excited or are you EXCITED?

Potted indoor plant citrus trees – I’ve always wanted an indoor tree, but this one is a gift that keeps giving!

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I’m having a bit of a hard time trying to find wedding makeup inspiration.  I guess I’m trying to go for a “me but better” approach – a glowier, luminescent, hopefully slightly more tanned me.  P hates makeup with a vengeance – which is just as well because I’m generally too lazy to apply it, but for my wedding day I want to make an exception, and I want to do it without looking too much like a drag queen.

I’ve found a couple of pictures that I like, but when I googled “wedding makeup inspiration”, I kept finding girls who’ve applied way too much fake tan, their fake lashes insanely obvious and whose eyes bug out.  I really want to do my own makeup myself, so I’m planning to go to a makeup counter (Mecca, MAC, Shu Uemura, Bobbi Brown?  Any suggestions?) and get a tutorial but I need to take them something first!

I like these pictures below, but I need to find something more zazzy, as Sheldon Cooper would say.  Got any suggestions?

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Image credits – 1, 2, 3


I still feel like a whingy little girl today, having the flu makes me so miserable.  I’m used to moving at a million miles an hour, so when I can’t, I feel useless and pathetic.  Last night, I attempted to self-medicate by cooking pasta with two and a half heads (yes – heads, not cloves) of garlic, and 8 birds eye chillis to try and soothe my sinus.  Tasted awesome but I don’t think it helped, and now I have the aftertaste of garlic in my mouth, even 15 hours after the fact.

Since I’m in serious need of comfort food, I’ve been browsing my favourite food websites this morning and I think I know what I’m going to be making for dinner tonight – chili!  Growing up in an Asian household, I’d never tried the stuff, but one of my besties made it for dinner during a weekend away and WHOA.  MIND. BLOWN.  It’s now one of my favourite go-to’s for a quick, filling mid-week dinner.

The one pictured above is short rib chili (yuuuuuum!) but you can find nine amazing-looking chili recipes over at Food 52 here.


Feeling like this sweet pup today after a weekend of overindulging.  On Saturday, I somehow thought it was a good idea to do 200 squats and 200 pushups straight before a Zumba class.  I then proceeded to overindulge a little too much wine, before dancing the night away.  Sunday was not my most glamorous day – I have never been so sore in my life, and the not-so-pretty hangover didn’t help.  Fastforward to today, and I’ve somehow contracted a nasty head cold – I could probably only blame myself though!

What are your hangover cures?  Mine is Nando’s peri peri chips and 2 litres of water – sounds strange but it totally works.

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This weekend’s a pretty busy one, with baby showers and heading out on the town, as well as boring things like unpacking *cough* yes, still haven’t done it yet!  After coming back from Japan, I’m starting to suffer from post-holiday blues but I’m really excited to be planning for this year’s travels, so stay tuned!

The temperature has risen today and it looks like it’s going to be a super hot weekend with no respite in sight.  I’ll be fantasising about beautiful fall sunsets in Paris and clear blue waters in the Amalfi Coast.  Hope your weekend is going to be as lovely as these pretty Parisian pictures.

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