
Tag Archives: Art


I must have found 1001 excuses not to go to the gym, or not to exercise.  Even with an impending wedding and European summer holiday, I still manage to convince myself that I don’t have to go to the gym tonight.  The evil devil that subsists somewhere in my mind is all, “Oh don’t worry, you’re too tired.  You’re too stressed.  You’re too busy.  Exercise isn’t going to work for you anyway, you’ll NEVER get fit.  Your gym clothes aren’t Lorna Jane.  Do you even have enough underpants to get you through the week?”.  Which segues into a rendition of Christina Aguilera’s, “You are beautifullllllll, no maaaaatter what they saaaaaaaaaaaay”.  Bastard.

I try to shut out that voice, tell myself to harden up and stop being a pussy.  I usually counter that voice with:-

  • You can be Miranda Kerr-esque!  Not likely buddy, she has heaps of moolah at her disposal, chefs to run her ridiculously expensive, high maintenance diet and Photoshop.
  • You can have an extra glass of wine this weekend!  Oh sure, that isn’t at all counter-productive.
  • You’ll feel so happy and swan around like a goddess! – I feel happier swanning in my couch, swathed in a blanket, watching Modern Family.

Sigh.  As you can see, it’s an ongoing battle.  However, I do have one booster up my sleeve. This probably sounds weird, but Gwyneth Paltrow is my total go-to gal for fitness motivation.  She’s just got that long, lithe but fit look about her – I know heaps of people hate on her for being so annoyingly perfect, but…she is!  So whenever I need that motivational push, I go on her website Goop and check out her fitness suggestions or healthy food options to keep me in line.

Of course, there’s also torturous motivation – like trying on a bikini, then realising my cellulite could possibly eat my stomach.  And there’s self-loathing motivation – like after I’ve finished a bowl of pasta, a bottle of wine and a bag of chips, the promises to myself that I will work it off tomorrow are seraphinely evangelical.

So what are your motivational tips?  I heard an awesome one from J on the weekend – sleep in your gym clothes, that way when you wake up you’re already ready.

I’d love to hear how you stay on the fitness track!


So looking forward to this weekend after a long week!  Tonight will be celebrating and catching up with family friends at a 21st at The London Club – it’s crazy to see kids who you’ve known since they were 5 turn 21!  Saturday night we’re helping clean out J and T’s fridge – we won’t see them for six weeks as they’re jetting off to Europe, so Bon Voyage!!  How exciting!

In the midst of the stress of wedding planning this week, I came across this quote from this amazing surprise carnival wedding:

There’s not too much say about the planning, other than “this too shall pass.” Whatever you’re stressed about is not that big of a big deal.

I need to tattoo this on the back of my eyelids – that, and “keep calm and carry on”.  Let people do what they want to do – you’re still marrying the love of your life.  OH, and wine is your best friend.

So have an awesome weekend – and if you’re in Brisbane, rug up, it’s getting chilly!

Image credit


Just came across this amazing website called Clé Privée.  The founders, who invested two years travelling the world trying and testing every hotel and escape on the site, came up with the concept of giving a “key” as a gift to your nearest and dearest.

This key will let you access their perfectly curated selection of luxury hotels, unique adventure escapes or gift a work of art from their series of vintage images or current creations by rising artists.

Starting from 100 EUR to 4000 EUR, these are perfect for everyone who has a sense of adventure and a love of style and design.

Check the keys out here – Clé Privée Store

Photo Credit